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py-zeep Fast and modern Python SOAP client
py-zeroconf Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library
py-zmq Python bindings for zeromq
pygopherd Gopher server
qadsl Login software for Swedish Telia ADSL/Comhem cable Internet users
qbittorrent BitTorrent client in Qt
quagga Free multithreaded routing daemon software
queryperf DNS performance and load tester
quvi Command line tool for parsing video links
R-pbdZMQ Interface to ZeroMQ
R-pingr Check if a Remote Computer is Up
ra-rtsp-proxy Proxy server for the RealAudio RTSP protocol
rabbiter Twitter client for Rabbit
rabbitmq Implementation of AMQP that provides robust messaging for applications
rabbitmq-c C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers
Radicale CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
Radicale2 CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
radiusclient-ng Client library and basic utilities for Radius authenticated login
radiusd-cistron RADIUS-compliant remote authentication and accounting server
radsecproxy Secure radius proxy
rancid Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
rbldnsd Efficient DNS daemon to serve DNSBL zones
rclone Rsync for cloud storage
rdesktop Open-source Remote Desktop Protocol client
rdist6 Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
remmina Remote desktop client based on GTK+
restclient-ui Java application to test RESTful webservices
rinetd Internet redirection server
rootprobe Root DNS server performance analysis
rp-l2tp User-space implementation of layer 2 tunnelling protocol
rp-pppoe Roaring Penguin's PPP over Ethernet client
rsync Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
rt4-cli Command-line interface to RT 3.0 or newer
rtmpdump Tools for handling RTMP stream
rtorrent Ncurses based torrent client with support for sessions
ruby-addressable Replacement for the URI Implementation of standard librrary
ruby-amq-client Fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client
ruby-amq-protocol AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder
ruby-amqp AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine
ruby-connection_pool Generic connection pool for Ruby
ruby-daemon_controller (V) Library for robust daemon management
ruby-dnsruby Ruby DNS client library
ruby-domain_name Domain name manipulation library for Ruby
ruby-em-socksify Transparent SOCKS support for any EventMachine protocol
ruby-ffi-rzmq FFI bindings for ZeroMQ
ruby-ffi-rzmq-core FFI wrapper around the zeromq libzmq C API
ruby-highline (V) High-level console IO library
ruby-icmp Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
ruby-instance_storage (V) Manage class instances with dictionary
ruby-ipaddress Library to handle IP addresses in a modern and productive way
ruby-kgio (V) Provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby
ruby-net-dhcp Net::DHCP Library for ruby
ruby-net-ldap Client access for the LDAP
ruby-net-ping Ping interface for Ruby
ruby-net-scp (V) Secure copy for Ruby
ruby-net-sftp (V) Secure FTP for Ruby
ruby-net-ssh (V) Secure shell for Ruby
ruby-net-ssh-gateway (V) Simple way to connect to servers behind a firewall or NAT
ruby-net-ssh-multi (V) SSH connection multiplexing
ruby-net-telnet Provides telnet client functionality
ruby-netaddr Ruby package for working with network addresses
ruby-netrc Library to read and write netrc files
ruby-network_interface Tool to get information on network interfaces
ruby-nio4r Cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives for scalable network
ruby-pcaprub Ruby libpcap bindings
ruby-pluggaloid Extensible plugin system for mikutter
ruby-proxifier Proxifier is a gem to force ruby to use a proxy
ruby-public_suffix Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List
ruby-recog Framework to send network probes for identification
ruby-ruby_smb Ruby implementation of the SMB Protocol Family
ruby-rubytter Simple twitter library
ruby-slack-api Ruby wrapper for the Slack API
ruby-snmp SNMP library in pure Ruby
ruby-soap4r Implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby
ruby-stompserver Stomp messaging server
ruby-train-core Transport interface to talk to a selected set of backends
ruby-train-winrm Windows WinRM API Transport for Train
ruby-tw CUI Twitter Client
ruby-twitter Ruby interface to the Twitter API
ruby-twitter-stream Twitter realtime API client
ruby-twitter-text Library that provides text handling for Twitter
ruby-twitter-text-simpleidn Forked version of Twitter-text gem without libIDN dependency
ruby-winrm Ruby library for Windows Remote Management
ruby-winrm-fs WinRM File System
ruby-xdr XDR helper library for Ruby
sacc Console gopher client
samba SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
samba4 SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
sayaka Terminal specific Twitter client
scamper Tool for parallelised IPv4 and IPv6 measurement
scapy Interactive packet manipulation program
scdp Program to send Cisco Discovery Protocol packets
scli SNMP command line interface
sdig Switch Digger finds port assignment for hosts on a switched Ethernet
sdist Invoke rdist to distribute files to a set of hosts
SDL_net Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL
SDL2_net Small sample cross-platform networking library
sendfile Implementation of the Simple asynchronous file transfer protocol
ser SIP express router
sfs (V) Secure, global, self-certifying network file system